May 31, 2024
A new brand for Kuhn Riddle

A refreshed name
Firm president Aelan Tierney says “Kuhn Riddle is well-known with deep connections to the community, so we felt it was very important to hold onto the name. But we also wanted to present the firm as who we are currently, and who we are becoming. In thinking about who may be the next generation of owners, we are more than architects. We are interior designers, project managers, passive house consultants, planners, and possibly more.
We wanted our name and our fresh new look to be inclusive of the many different strengths and capacities of our team, and to welcome the future.”
The firm worked with a Northampton-based creative studio, Transit Authority Figures, to develop a logo, signature colors, fonts, and a name that reflects the firm’s foundation, as well as its transitions, its growth, and its views toward the future.
Fresh logo, fresh fonts, fresh colors
The new Kuhn Riddle logomark is built on a simple grid using elemental shapes to create a symmetrical abstract “KR” monogram. These forms, each consisting of a quarter-circle and a triangle, face each other and together form a square. The new logomark reflects Kuhn Riddle’s dedication to smart and creative problem solving rooted in timeless foundational principles.

The font used in the new logo recalls the Goudy Old Style used in the original firm logo, yet has its own history, weight, and meaning. The new font is called “Martina Plantijn.” It was developed by the Klim Type Foundry and named after the strong and formidable Dutch businesswomen who ran the Plantin-Moretus publishing house—the world’s largest—in the early 17th century. As a woman-owned business, Kuhn Riddle takes inspiration from Martina Plantjin’s entrepreneurial spirit, and the family-owned company’s legacy of empowering women, which inspired a series of women descendants who went on to manage the business for much of the next three centuries.
To complement the new logo, the firm chose deep blue and a radiant yellow: color hues that are unique, bright, and friendly.
Firm history
John Kuhn and Chris Riddle established the firm in 1988, and built its legacy upon a commitment to the community, thoughtful contextual design, and a connection to the environment. The second generation of leadership includes principals Jonathan Salvon and Charles Roberts and president Aelan B. Tierney. The firm remains committed – as always – to community, sustainability, and good design.