August 16, 2024

KRA to Create Conceptual Design for Municipal Offices

SOUTH DEERFIELD — With the Deerfield Selectboard’s contract approval on Wednesday, Amherst-based Kuhn Riddle Architects will create a conceptualdesign for the 1888 Building’s transformation into municipal offices.

Through its now-complete pre-design phase, the architecture firm has evaluated the 135-year-old, three-story brick building and determined the needs of the town. With this new contract in hand, it will now present up to three site concepts and develop cost estimates for the longstanding project. The Selectboard approved the $124,700 contract, as well as $30,000 to project manager Project Planning Professionals (P3), with funding for each either coming out of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) or Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds.

“They’ve been working with [Selectboard Chair Tim Hilchey], myself and members of the Building Advisory Committee … to shape how this project will unfold,” Planning and Economic Development Coordinator Christopher Dunne said Wednesday evening. “We’ve gotten to a point where we feel comfortable with moving to the next step and signing a contract.”

As part of this process, Kuhn Riddle Architects will hold at least two community engagement meetings to seek resident input. The first is likely to be scheduled in late August or early September.

Read more in the Greenfield Recorder